World Population 2022 Betting Picks and Odds

2 shares, 56 points
Will There Be 8 Billion Of Us By November


Probably the strangest betting market we’ve ever posted but there’s a betting market so we fly.

The world’s population is projected to reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022. The latest projections by the United Nations suggest that the global population could grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 10.4 billion in 2100.

When Will The World Population Reach 8 Billion?

On Or Before November 15, 2022 -220

After November 15, 2022 +155

Will India Be The Most Populated Country In The World On July 2, 2023?

Yes -120

No -120

Our thinking is after November 15th. The UN says we’ll hit 8 billion, but we don’t see it happening on the earlier side of things. Were honestly impressed that the After is listed at +155. That being said, if there’s something we are missing please go ahead and let us know lol.

On the second line, were starting to lean towards yes. India has a population growth rate of about 1% each year. As of today, it has a population of 1.4 billion. Although China leads the nation by population, their population only grows at about 0.3%. Today, China has a population of 1.45 billion.

It’ll be super tight but mathematically, it makes sense that India would pass China by then.

Bonus Line:

Sweden overtaking Azerbaijan +420

Sweden’s a hungry country, plays the game the right way, and they’ve been a student of the game for a while and now they’re within inches of taking down perennial all star Azerbaijan for the coveted #90 most populated spot. Azerbaijan has been struggling with penalties lately (human rights violations, corruption, restricting free speech) and Sweden is coming off a huge victory (arresting Drake). I love Sweden as an underdog here.


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